A Private Membership Spiritual Wellness Retreat Ministry for Holistic Renewal
A Spiritual Retreat Center that features a one-of-a-kind, healing escape, or just a special retreat for those seeking holistic rejuvenation, enhanced natural health, and wellness, a deeper connection to their faith, their self care, or simply the space to unplug and reset.
Each spiritual retreat is a transformative journey designed to harmonize mind, body, and spirit.
Set against the serene and breathtaking backdrop of the Sonoran Desert
Blisstopia Retreats provides a sacred space where guests can reconnect with their truest selves.
Through a thoughtfully curated blend of inspirational methods including yoga, breathwork, cleansing rituals, personal coaching, nutritional guidance, natural health, fitness activities, and more, every retreat is an immersive experience that fosters profound personal growth and restoration.
Unlike corporate centers or hotels, Blisstopia Retreats is an exclusive haven. Each retreat is private, ensuring the entire venue is dedicated solely to its guests, free from the distractions of random visitors.
There are scheduled retreats and co-hosted retreats with other facilitators offered throughout the year, so check out our schedule and book your spot today.
Blisstopia Retreats is an ideal destination for those yearning for a holistic, immersive wellness getaway.
Your Retreat Experts
NO ONE offers the Complete Retreat Experience that you will find at Blisstopia Retreats.
The owners (Mark & Lana Royce) are also your hosts and your facilitators. They have a combined 75 years of industry experience.
This is all they do! They are the caretakers of the retreat center living on site, hosting retreats, and helping others to host their retreats.
They are also lifelong students of the wellness industry seeking more knowledge of how to help others through natural health and wellness practices.