Observing the following practices creates inner and outer peace and harmony and allows you to devote yourself completely to the methods of Immersion in our retreat space.
You may have received a schedule or itinerary by email before the retreat or viewed it on our website. The schedule may or may not change from the original. The final daily schedule will be posted in the kitchen/eating area for you to review each day.
Review the schedule – but please do not become fixated on it. You will have plenty of personal (on your own time) time to relax.
Please Follow the set schedule and be on time for all activities. If you choose not to attend (it's your retreat – you can participate as much or as little as you choose) an activity or scheduled session please be respectful (remain silent and not slamming any doors) of all activities and the other guests during this time. We ask you to be respectful of your roommates and or other guests attending the retreat by not showering before the morning breakfast call (the Breakfast Bell will ring) or after 10 pm each night.
The first day is always the hardest and weirdest because everybody is landing. Maybe you’re dealing with some travel issues – your luggage gets lost, you can’t poop. Whatever it is, just know that you need to give yourself and everyone else the time and space to deal.
Many retreats have full technology bans to the point where your devices will not receive a signal. At Blisstopia we do not adhere to this policy, however, we invite you to unplug completely if possible. Ideally please leave your phone behind in your room during any activities, and if you must bring it as a camera, we ask each guest to set your phone to airplane mode so that you aren't tempted to take a call, text, or tweet at the moment. NOTE: No phones or electronic devices are allowed in the yoga studio or in workshops. Electronics distract you from being present in the moment and it can undermine the experience for other guests as well.
We ask that our guests stay together with the group practice and remain on the Retreat Center premises for the entire retreat. With the exceptions of hikes and or walks. Please Heed all the instructions of the facilitators.
Blisstopia Retreats has a high vibration, but homey energy within it. You’re getting three nourishing meals a day and possibly some healthy snacks (fresh fruits, nuts, & seeds), and no, it’s not okay to just go and open up the fridge and help yourself. If you feel hungry, and you are used to going to the fridge several times a day. Just know that is ok to be outside of your comfort zone, you may be going through a mild detox from the standard foods you regularly consume. You are getting nourished in more ways than one. Complaining about the food to other guests, or expecting certain special foods for you can cause negative energy for the entire group. You are on a retreat, the food should be different than your daily routine… it is part of the experience
No matter how tempting it is, do not bring in any prohibited items. If the retreat theme is caffeine-free or vegan, don't sneak in coffee, treats, or ice cream. It undermines the program that you have invested in and limits its effectiveness. It can also be very disruptive to other guests who are trying to follow the program if they find out you are ignoring the rules, it may encourage them to give up as well or alternately make you extremely unpopular because it shows you don't respect the choice that they have made in following the program.
Please Help keep our indoor environment clean and tidy, including your bathroom & bedroom. Blisstopia Retreats adheres to a Green Policy as much as possible.
Air conditioning is set at a comfortable and optimal level at all times. To conserve resources, turn off lights and water when not in use. Blisstopia composts, and recycles. When outdoors, be wary of possible desert-related things that can cause harm, such as thorns, cacti, critters, etc., and please be mindful that the rocks around the property may be sharp to step on. Shoes while outside or flip flops at minimum are recommended.
It's important to remember that this space is designed to be a safe haven, free from the stresses and burdens of everyday life. As a guest here, you have the freedom and responsibility to focus solely on your own personal growth and well-being. Your role is not to act as a mediator or problem-solver for the other attendees, including your assigned roommate. If any issues or concerns arise, whether they involve you directly or if another guest approaches you to vent or gossip, the proper course of action is to inform that person to bring those matters directly to the facilitators. They are trained professionals equipped to handle such situations appropriately and discreetly. Trying to take matters into your own hands or engage in tattle-telling will only serve to create more discord and distraction, which goes against the very purpose of this safe space. Remember, you are here for yourself - your own healing, your own transformation. Avoid getting pulled into the personal dramas of others, no matter how tempting it may be. Stay centered on your own journey, and trust that the facilitators will address any problems that arise in a way that maintains the integrity and privacy of all guests. This is your time, so be vigilant about protecting it and using it wisely for your own benefit.
Adults sharing accommodation is a very tricky situation, so when you’re sharing, let them have their space. Being mindful of your roommate is the best practice
Our policy is very clear on this. We may have guests who may be in recovery and the use of any of these substances could be detrimental to them and the entire retreat.
Even though you may be cranky from sugar withdrawal or several hours of movement we ask that you treat your facilitators with kindness and respect. They are aware that it can be difficult to "detox" but we're all adults and that means being polite and behaving appropriately even when all we feel like jumping up and down and stomping our feet to get a soda, a sweet treat, or a slice of pizza
Although you may attend a retreat to recharge, get unstuck, or get clarity from a situation, another guest may be there to recover from the loss of a loved one or to recharge after recovering from a serious illness. These different goals mean that every guest may have a different idea of how they want to be a part of the retreat. Some may want to chat and meet new people, whereas others may want to hike alone. As a guest, it is important to carefully observe the social cues of your fellow guests, so that everyone can get what they need from the retreat.
Wellness retreats can be very physically challenging and involve new practices that you may not be familiar with, which means that you have to be open to experiencing new things. For outdoor hikes always have a water bottle & proper footwear, make sure that you have followed the packing guidelines, and that you talk to your facilitator if you are unsure of the suggested items.
When people come out of savasana, especially after a few days of yoga, they’re in a calmer space than usual and might not want to talk. If you’re in the mood to chitchat, feel out where everybody else is, and give people a little transition time.
NO talk of Politics, Religion, or Social Issues! PERIOD! These topics should NEVER be talked about while on retreat.
During the retreat – you may be informed of preset times for observing silence. No talking, reading, writing, texting, sending emails, making phone calls, using various electronic devices, or interpersonal communication of any kind during set silence times.
Sure it’s one way to get to know each other, but telling a 20-minute story listing the injuries you’re here to heal is too much. Choose your moments and your listeners. Often people are blind to being the talkers, so practice a little self-awareness. Be responsible for your own situation. And no talking, commenting, or offering hugs while it is another guest's turn. Save comments & hugs for once the circle is closed.
Comfortable clothing, flip flops, for outside, hiking shoes for a hike or a good pair of cross trainers, a light jacket or sweater, and of course Yoga pants or tank tops for Yoga and or fitness classes. Please Do not use perfumes, colognes, or heavy cosmetics.
If there is something that feels uncomfortable to you – maybe it is calling you to feel that. Releases, transformations, and healing can happen, but you really need to clear your mind and be open to allow it.
Expectations should not be part of your journey. The purpose of a wellness retreat is to invest time in yourself to become more well, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. A negative attitude and constant complaining about food or activities can bring down the mood of the entire group. Conversely, an open mind and a positive attitude can help you to overcome obstacles you never thought possible and inspire other guests to achieve their goals.