Hello beautiful one!✨
Most mornings, as the first light spills over the Sonoran Desert Valley and the Sunrise Mountain in our backyard, I wander outside to greet the day—the warmth, the plants, the rugged beauty that surrounds Blisstopia Retreats.
I settle among the chickens, chaparral and mesquite trees, letting the stillness of dawn guide me as I set my intentions. Now that the desert is shifting from summer’s intensity into fall’s softer touch literally overnight, the landscape transforms with new energy, as if the desert taking in a long deep cool breath getting a reprieve from the long summer’s heat.
This morning, as I sat in our wild space watching nature wake up with crispness in the air, it struck me—when change comes, nature just lets go. There’s no resistance, no holding on. It’s as if every tree, every bud, just knows: when it’s time, it’s time. There’s trust in the flow, even as the colors change and things shift toward darkness.
Change feels heavy, unsettling, unfamiliar. We’re so good at clinging to what we know, even if it’s not quite right for us. It’s like we’re wired to resist, to stay in our comfort zone, even when we feel the nudge to move forward. We may not like the job, but taking a leap seems impossible. Or we know our health could be better, but we find reasons to avoid that morning walk.
We fight ourselves, making every change feel bigger than it is. We tell ourselves, “That’s just how things are.” Or, “I’ve dealt with this before, and I’m doing okay.” But nature? Nature reminds us there’s another way.
When I watch the trees, the desert rocks, and the saguaro cactus around me, they seem to offer a quiet wisdom. If we slow down and listen, nature speaks—not with words, but through presence, guiding us to a deeper, more accepting state of being.
if we can pause, even for 10 minutes, and observe, we’ll start to see our patterns. We’ll notice where we’re holding on too tightly, where we’re resisting. And maybe, we’ll begin to trust that just like the desert blooms and fades in its perfect cycle, we, too, are being guided. All we have to do is allow.
If you haven’t already, I encourage you to start a small practice. Maybe take a different path on your way home, a slower route where you can take in the autumn breeze. Or instead of reaching for your phone first thing, let your eyes stay closed and feel the warmth of the morning sun, listen to the birdsong, and feel gratitude for the gentle breeze.
Find a little something that feels easy, that sparks a sense of wonder and try it for a week. I promise, with a little consistency—not perfection—you’ll start to see the world a bit differently. Let’s see where this flow will take us. 🌿